
Let’s get this party started, beginning with the first myth that makes my head spin…


Ladies…you will not get all jacked up like an NFL Linebacker, Superman or the Incredible Hulk taking supplements. You will not grow a goatee or start singing like Barry White in the shower neither.

 I’ve been training 10 years taking supplements, and I’ve yet to look like a Marvel character. Hell, it took Captain America 66 years while frozen in ice. If that’s the case I have a long way to go lol. 

The truth is women don’t even make enough testosterone to have this issue from just supplements and working out. Do you know how much steroids a woman would need to intake in combination with ungodly hours of constant workouts in the gym to start looking like a man? Ladies trust neither the Incredible Hulk nor Hulk Hogan is in your future. 


MYTH #2: You are bound to gain bad weight

 If this were the case, I would be as big as a 10 bedroom house by now. I take supplements religiously and can testify to this not being the case. Your body can only absorb 20-25 grams of protein at a time so no you will not get fat! You will NOT gain weight…

UNLESS you OVER CONSUME or add excess fillers. 

These extra excess fillers are items you add like bananas, strawberries, nuts, oatmeal, chocolate, butters, honey, and agave. NOW THAT’S TOO MUCH DAMN SUGAR AND CARBS. Pick one and walk away from the rest. Even with the fruits be careful. You don’t need a banana and honey. Pick one and move along sis. 

The truth is your body requires a certain level of protein, fiber, fats, and veggies, and I can guarantee 99% of us are not meeting our daily requirements. Thus, supplements are exactly that…a supplement to consume nutritious dietary ingredients.

The fear of gaining weight from supplements also derives from our misunderstanding about the function of proteins, so let’s breakdown their benefits: 

  1. Proteins are building blocks of muscle and promote muscle growth 

  2. They’re absorbed rapidly into the body. That’s why you’ll see many fitness enthusiasts like myself take protein after a workout

  3. Protein actually reduces hunger, which can even lead to weight loss when intentionally managed to do so.  

 However, not all protein powders are created equal - so do your research. The 3 I recommend are:

 Whey: Has more lactose and sugar. Easiest to mix and tastes the best

 Isolate: Higher protein, less lactose and less fat. This is my personal favorite, but bear in mind I’m also lactose intolerant - hence this is the best option for me.  

Vegan- if that’s your speed there are now great options. 5 years ago, it tasted like grass and shoe polish, but now they’re delicious options.



Replenishing your body after a workout is a MUST…and a water bottle or 2 alone will not cut it! Its non-negotiable! I can almost guarantee most people’s nutrition is not well enough that it can replenish or sustain your body after a workout. That’s just reality! So, we supplement where our diet is lacking.

My go-to list of supplements are: 

Isolate protein

Fish oil

Multi vitamin

Glutamine (helps with recovery)

BCAA (branched chain amino acids): BCAA builds and/or sustains muscle, reduces fatigue, and reduces soreness 

Once again, protein is the building block of muscle – YOU CAN’T DEPRIVE IT. If you do you will literally negate your workout. Plus, your body will get its source of protein one way or another. Either you feed it, or it will feed on your muscle. You need your body to burn FAT…NOT MUSCLE! So, make sure you’re getting the proper protein and fats…through your much needed SUPPLEMENT. 
