
I’m sure you’ve heard the story of “The Tortoise and the Hare.” Cute make-believe fable right? 

But have you ever heard the real story of Cliff Young aka “The Old Tortoise,” the 61 year old man who chose to run a 540 mile ultra-marathon in Australia over a grueling 5 day stretch? I first learned about The Man/The Myth Ole Cliff Young in the book “How Can I Win” by Semone Blair-Walker. 

Cliff was a sheep herder with no professional experience as a marathon runner. Many would say he was also lacking serious drip and swag, entering the race wearing his over-sized farmer overalls and dusty work boots. Who enters a marathon dressed like that right? The press and spectators at the ultra-marathon roasted him, as he became the hilarious awkward spectacle of the entire event. He was also competing against numerous young and highly endorsed professional runners. 

Adding competitive insult to injury, Cliff “The Old Tortoise” actually ran…or more accurately trotted like one. He sluggishly moved his feet at the slowest pace – being clowned even more by the audience for a style that would eventually be known as the “Ole Cliff Shuffle.” But besides having a winning attitude to enter the race…Cliff actually had a PLAN! 

What was his plan? CONSISTENCY!

While most of the competitor’s strategy was to run at great speed for about eighteen hours, sleep for six, and then start running again – Cliff “The Old Tortoise” strategy was to NEVER STOP. He never went to sleep – and consistently shuffled his feet the entire race…NON-STOP. By the 5th day he surpassed all the other runners and WON. Not only did he win, but he made history by setting a new record! 


It doesn’t matter how fast you start, it’s all about how strong you finish. Consistency is all about enduring non-stop to a strong finish. Consistency is doing something over and over again, NON-STOP, making it second nature to produce the results you want. The reason the greats are great is because they do the basic stuff over and over again until they can do it as simple as breathing. There’s no such thing as an overnight success, as it even took Cliff Young decades to execute his non-stop tortoise shuffle to victory. 

It takes years to build your ideal goal body. But as a woman who started off my fitness journey 60lbs overweight almost a decade ago, let me be the first to tell you, it’s sooooo possible if you commit to being CONSISTENT!



If you don’t have your basics down it will quickly fall apart. That’s why there are three basics in lifting. Deadlift, Bench & Squat. As intimidating as these weightlifting exercises may seem at first, start with just the bar to conquer the basics…and the key word is START! If you can do those three weightlifting exercises consistently you can basically do everything. But start wherever you are…and shuffle through it!


The reason consistency is so hard is because people get bored.  Boredom is a killer to all forms of consistency. Yes, the basics can get boring, but consistency means turning a task into second nature. That’s the key to a pro athlete, it’s not their genetics – it’s the consistent hard work they put in. Lebron James and Steph Curry became greats and champions strictly off consistency and hard work at their crafts. I believe they literally work harder than anyone else in the world at their respective crafts and skill sets, and that’s where they are where there are today. CONSISTENCY is what makes the greats great!

I’m at the point now that if I eat crappy foods I feel AWFUL. I feel like a complete and utter ish because it’s not second nature to eat like crap at this point in my “Thick Fit” journey, so my body fights back. I feel the same when I don’t work out for more than 2 days. I’m like “if I don’t hit the gym asap, I feel like I’m going to go into a coma.” Yeah it feels that bad to flirt with falling off by breaking my consistent fitness regimen. 

Everything that creates results is based on continual repetition. Consistency requires it to be a priority. If it’s not your priority you will not be consistent. Looking for that magic trick to a sexy body and results – IT DOESN’T EXIST. Perfection doesn’t exist. Visualizing your ultimate body at a happy weight will keep you motivated to start, but its only consistency and a second nature development of healthy habits and hard work that will allow you to finish and ultimately win your race from within. It doesn’t matter how slow you start, just persevere, stay consistent, and never stop until you run through the tape! Then get ready to do it again and again and again.



Being consistent and putting in hard work in the gym is not an obligation or punishment, it’s something to be proud of! It will also benefit you in so many other ways in life. So, build a strong foundation and good habits, with consistency. Here’s some quick tips, or should I say “slow Tortoise” ways to kick-off your ultra-marathon to fitness greatness:

1. Go to bed early. You need it to sustain and recover. 

2. Drink enough water 

3. Cut out sugary drinks (that includes alcohol…bye bye Happy Hour every week!) 

4. Laugh & enjoy life…that’s what we’re here for.

5  Meditate and keep radiating positive energy 

6. Commit to a CONSISTENT workout; 3 Days A Week

 So Lovestyle Warriors - Go hard, BE CONSISTENT, and finish this month strong!