During times of drastic change and uncertainty, …it’s only natural to wonder “Why Now?”

This IG Live “Cooking & Convos” was such a breakthrough for me and all who shared this amazing moment - as I shared for the first time on live video to my IG audience, some of my most personal life stories as to how I re-discovered my “Why.”

Why am I in the hospital again 6 days after having my 1st child…from a heart attack - at only 23yrs old?

Why has my child been diagnosed with autism?

Why do I feel a void in my heart? Why am I not happy? Why doesn’t my life feel like it matters any more?

All “Why Now” questions of doubt that I had, before choosing to Love through a Lovestyle that brought even more meaning, purpose and “Why” into my life. This is where the breakthrough transition from “Why Now” to “Why Not” begins. I became an even stronger more powerful mother, wife and lifestyle influencer/blogger once I looked deep within and choose to be the person I could be most proud of!

Once you fully claim what makes you happy and what your purpose is through discovering or rediscovering your "Why" - life feels sooooo good. Your "Why" becomes a declaration that YES...life matters and I matter.