The One Thing Every Mogul Has


“Systems, however simply move you from a game with low odds to a game with better odds.. with a system you are always scanning for any opportunity” - Scott Adams (

I have found that all successful businessmen or women and entrepreneurs have this in common. A system that enables them to focus on getting a goal accomplished rather than chasing the goal that leaves them wandering all over the place.

In my search for an effective routine, I’ve discovered that the ideal system that works for me goes like the one I’ve listed below. Bear in mind, you will need to discover one that works in your favor.


  • Every Sunday after my kids go to bed I write a general plan for what I want to accomplish for the week. Everything from MUST DO, SHOULD DO, If I have extra time, can accomplish but doesn’t require my immediate attention, kids activities, blogs & content that needs to be done. Which leads to point number one:

  • Have an agenda! DON’T procrastinate! I write specific daily agendas the night before. That way the day doesn’t get a hold of me and I stay focused. 

  • I get up early. It helps that I’m a morning person, but I also don’t have a choice so are my children. They are up before 6:30am daily.

  • Prayer, devotion, meditation- whatever you want to call it is a must for me. Taking that quiet time to still my soul and heart is a survival practice. Life is hard. There’s so much noise in life that quieting my spirit even if it's for 10 min helps to focus on the day. Also note If I feel things getting out of control I will take a 2 min timeout if I need it. 

  • Workouts - I workout for a few reasons. Of course for physical health reasons. But the other is my SANITY. Find an outlet that's not food or alcohol to help with the stress of life. 

  • Determine your priorities not based on what you want and throw your feelings out the window! If you want to be successful please understand it's not about your feelings. You're not going to feel like working out. You’re not going to feel like writing blogs at 10 pm, you’re not going to feel like fixing glitches or studying market strategies or analysis or writing a darn book till 4 in the morning. Determine your priorities.

  • I write plans for the day that I want to personally and professionally accomplish. It’s not even a matter of whether I like the task. It’s about preparation. So when the time for you to be elevated comes, you’re prepared.

  • Write down goals for your passion & dream. Small or big doesn’t matter. Execute something daily towards that goal. A lot of times we look at the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. 


The first and most essential element of any system is that you have control over it. Whether your system works effectively is greatly dependent on you. It’s not dependent on any external factor or anyone else.

All effective systems result in both outputs and progress. The good thing is that if a system doesn't seem to produce the adequate results you anticipated, then you can revisit or revise any steps to counteract any unproductive measures. 

Sometimes these things can be out of your control. Then you can carefully assess what you need to eliminate.

A successful system furthermore allows you to measure progress along the way. If you don’t measure your progress then you won’t be able to gauge the measure of success of your system. This can hinder you in reaching your goals. 

Systems Free up your Cognitive Bandwidth ( This simply means that by developing a system for accomplishing your goals, you can reduce brain fatigue and free up your mind for more creative thinking and insight.              



Momentum is the lifeblood of any startup or creative endeavor. Over time, any effective system creates times of momentum, which in turn leads to greater productivity. Even though the progress may initially be in small steps, you will see yourself making quantum leaps eventually. 

If doing the best work of your life is important to you, then pray and dedicate your time and all your efforts by being focused on the end result of what you are trying to achieve.

An Effective System creates meaningful outputs. It enables you to benefit from the effort even when it doesn’t necessarily lead to the goal you may have had in your mind. Regardless, whether fad or facts, “Work the System” is not a theory. It’s what has made my life more manageable thus increasing my productivity.