
Life punched you in the gut now what?


Regardless of the circumstance if you live long enough, life is going to throw curve balls that you can’t duck, that will feel like an unbearable punch straight to the gut. Lessons, because I refuse to call them losses, that knock the wind out of you. Lessons that make you question, “God what the heck happened? Where are you? Do you hear me?” 

Especially during this season where we reflect upon another year ending, and a new one beginning, we tend to recount all the gut-punching lessons learned and people or situations we no longer have in our lives.

Being stripped of things or people I thought I needed. Stripping habits and thoughts I thought were just naturally apart of who I am. The process of lessons is painful. Sometimes it downright knocks you to your knees. However, let me tell you sis… you can and will OVERCOME! It’s all about coming to a master understanding of the strength and courage it takes from within to guide yourself from a place so dark you don’t see a way out. 

BUT there is light at the end of that tunnel! Let me tell you something - every lesson I’ve ever been handed has come with a blessing greater than I could’ve imagined. Every painful experience has garnered a strength I didn’t know I possessed. When I thought I lost something God gave me, he found a way to provide 10x what I asked for. When I thought my prayers were silent and void, the answers would come in the strangest ways.


For example, recently my prayers for the past few months seemed to go unheard. Listen I’m human too ok. The answers weren’t coming fast enough for me, but I’m smart enough to know I needed to be still and wait. And LAWD have mercy…waiting is HARD. BUT when the answers came I was shooketh.

The answers came from a stranger in a New York airport. This woman didn’t know me from a fly on the wall and pulled me aside. In the middle of this airport in New York, as she spoke to me I was stunned, and the tears started flowing. She spoke over every fear, every heartbreak, every hesitation, and every question I was asking. This angel of a woman breathed life into me. It took me about 2 days to recover from my conversation with her – that’s how shook my mind, body, and spirit were. 

When life knocks you down sometimes quieting the noise and being in silence allows you to quiet your spirit so you can hear. In those lessons are experiences that will help you pivot to your purpose or save you from future harm. In the words of Robin Roberts “REJECTION IS SOMETIMES PROTECTION” 

Sometimes for me it comes from being a special needs mom, and naturally not having all the answers. Not knowing what the future holds. However, even in the midst of it all its taught me to live in the moment. Be present. And learn how to enjoy the things in life I would’ve normally overlooked.


One of the things about pain is sometimes we get comfortable in it. It almost becomes normal. We get numb. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging pain. At the Riveter Conference I attended recently - if you haven’t read that blog you should:


Stacy Abrams said 3 things: “1. Don’t edit your ambitions” 2. Don’t go at it alone” 3 “DONT FORGET THE PAIN!” Allow it to drive you forward, but do not let it paralyze you. 

Something my faith has taught me is to always walk boldly, even in the midst of life’s lessons. Sometimes those closest to you may be the ones that cause you pain, insecurity, hurt, or they may lack the understanding to fully support what you’re trying to do.

And guess what? That’s ok! Failure is not in your present or future. Choose to overcome because you’re worth it and worthy. Choose to overcome because the light at the end of the tunnel will be more than you could’ve ever fathomed.

Remember Lovestyle Warriors…FAVOR AINT FAIR! 
